






創設者 ウォルト・スピラム

Founders Mission Statement

Echo Society or Hibiki no Kai was founded in 1998 as a non-profit NGO to teach the English language and computer skills to the disabled, elderly and general public for improved communication in the international global world.  

Echo Society also promotes inclusion of the disabled and elderly in society, independent living, community integration and transportation/accommodation accessibility for wheelchairs, the blind and other persons with disabilities. Echo Society has weekly Sunday meetings in Hachioji‘s Create Hall with English classes in the mornings and computer workshops every afternoon.  We also have social activities and sponsor some educational scholarships for our members.  Our motto is “Be Ambitious.” 

Walt Spillum, Founder/Executive Director, Echo Society,
Hibiki no Kai Hachioji Japan.

2 thoughts on “Mission

  1. Ladies and gentlemen,

    by chance I found your homepage and I will discribe my concern. My nephew is an 20 year old german who is visually impaired. He will be blind in a few years, caused by an genetic defect. His great wish is to visit Japan, especially Tokio in 2016, becaus since he´s 13 he´s interested in mangas, anime and out of this interest he started to learn the japanese language and reading all about the japanese culture. His father now like to travel with him to Tokio for 10 or 14 days, but there are so many offers in the internet by travel agencies so they are overloaded with planning there trip. So I serched in the internet for unions or groups in Japan for blinds or handicaped organisations which possibly could support us with informations.
    My concern is to find perhaps someone who can gives us information about accomodation in Tokio which have practice with visually impaired people or blinds, and is not so expensive. Or could give me information about travel agencies in Tokio which are use to handle the special requirements for such a handicaped boy. His father is a little anxious if his son could do also some small trips on his own behave, because he would like to explore some places in Tokio alone.

    So my question is, if you can support me with some information about the travel or in giving me some tips of organisations, which could support me.

    Thank you in advance for your kind answer.

    Best personal regards

    Wilhelm Beckers, Herzebrock, Germany

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