Information Notes
Room Reservations
See for current schedule.
English Class
Participants: Michael, Yoshio, Shin, Katsuyo, Noriko, Hiromi, Tomoko, Sanae and Walt.
Today’s teacher: Masanori. Supporter: Douglas.
Class was a lecture of preposition by Masanori.
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And English song is request of Shin. “Hold the Line” Toto.
And Noriko asked us: “Do you believe the people will be reincarnated?” We answered about it. “Yes” or “No”
Computer Workshop
Today’s teachers: Douglas, Akiyuki and Kim.
Supporter: Masanori.
Participants; Michael and his wife, Hideo, Makkun, Akie, Mieko, Noriko, Kato (Walt’s helper), some newcomers, Yuu, Sanae and Walt.
A lot of people participated. We asked about MacBook, iPad and Windows.
My life with a computer became more convenient.
Photos: Yuu.
Sanae, Editor, Hibiki no Kai Newsletter.